Pinterest Fun and Pretty, Too

Love Bandwagons (to an extent)

When it comes to Social Media, one can have all kinds of fun with it depending on your nature and if you enjoy the internet.  But I have to say, that even if you don't care for the social media aspect as it relates to the internet, or that it is just a huge waist of time, this is one bandwagon I jumped on when introduced to Pinterest.

I wanted to share this with my readers because Pinterest is a type of social media that is unlike anything else you have seen.  It is getting huge in the social media market, gaining traction to the level of FaceBook.  It also allows you to sign in via facebook or twitter.  If not involved in those two programs, then you can sign in via an email account.  Facebook and Twitter accounts just make is faster to share all things across the board without going back and forth through the different media types.

Once I discovered this new version of social interaction, I was engaged immediately, creating my Sterling Minerals page, and was not only fascinated by the simplicity of it, but how fun and easy it was, literally spending hours playing with it the first time I used it.  I have created some neat pinboards that inspire me and remind me of things which keep me motivated throughout my day.  So much great stuff pinned and repinned by others too.

It Is Different

Now you may be asking, "what makes it different from anything else out there?"

The answer is it takes very little involvement and action on your part compared to tweeting or facebooking where your life is out there for all to see.

It is a beautiful Pinboard of things we love, enjoy, and want to share with others with a click of a button.  You can create your own pinboard categories within your account that will be filled with stuff you love without writing about it or having to interact with anyone else, yet tons of people, including any family and friends you wish, will see everything you want to share in a blink of an eye.

You'll enjoy the colorful sequences provided by many others, filled with inspirational messages, pictures, products, scenery, ideas, crafts, home decor, jewelry, fashion, style, parties, funky ideas, organization, books, TV shows, people, celebrities, holidays, religious values, pets, animals, hairstyles, makeup, recipes, foods, garden spaces, photography, fitness, diet, travel, to infinitum.

You can REPIN a photo that you want added to your own pinboards, or COMMENT directly on someones pin, or just LIKE IT.  The best way I can describe it, it is the internet version of participating in a scrap-book party on steroids.  BONUS: on every photo that you like or add to a pinboard, in most cases it is connected directly to the original article that person may have enjoyed.  So the picture can literally be worth a thousand words if it also takes you to the article it was attached to, making for interesting reading.....example, a recipe you may want to indulge in, a makeup or hair tutorial, or a craft idea you wish to try.

Like A Private Network

Now unlike all the other social media out there, it requires an invite from either someone at Pinterest, which can take forever despite what they tell you on their info page, or a friend that is already a member, such as myself.  You may view this as a good thing or not.  Personally, I like it since it doesn't have the same feel as other media I am involved in.

You can also install a PIN IT icon to the top of your browser bar or on your phone, so you can immediately pin something you found while perusing the internet that is fun and interesting, without the hassle of commenting or anything else....just pin it and go.

If you are excited to get started after you take a peek at it, you can write to me at with your email, and myself or one of my staff will send an invite so you too can take part in the fun that Pinterest has become for me.....I LOVE IT~

What do you think, unique and different?......

To Learn more about Pinterest you can Click Here.

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